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Гартуйсь! Прошу заповніть реєстраційну форму перед суботи https://forms.gle/rvXXPhJiWE7XBGTBA Пам’ятайте, ми розпочинаємо в суботу 18 вересня! Незабаром буде важливий імейл від директора школи п. Ірини Чуян (ichuyan@yahoo.com). Будь ласка, прочитайте. *************************** Please register your child before Saturday so teachers and vyxovnyky can plan out their Saturday accordingly: https://forms.gle/rvXXPhJiWE7XBGTBA Remember, we begin THIS Saturday, September 18th. An important email from the school principal, Iryna Chuyan (ichuyan@yahoo.com), is coming soon. Please read it. PLAN for Saturday September 18th: -Please wear your vyshyvanky this Saturday. -We will meet at St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church at 9:50am. Mass will start at 10am. It will be about 45 minutes. Teachers will take the children from church to school at 136 2nd Avenue for class, until 12:30pm. -Parents: Please review the UAYA/CYM Covid Health and Safety protocol (see below). We are not permitting parents to go past the first floor of the building (protocol below states 2nd floor but we recently reviewed it and agree 1st floor is best/safest). However, if you are a Sadochok parent you are permitted to go up to the third floor but must remain near the elevators and not enter the school hallway. The principal will assist children to their classrooms. -Everyone must wear masks. -Please remember to have your child bring a water bottle and snack to school. We will NOT be providing snack this year for health and safety reasons. If your child is staying for CYM sxodyny, they will be required to eat lunch on the third floor ( thus, nobody can go in and out of the building for health and safety purposes). Parents: you can either pack them a lunch, or drop off their lunch by 12:30pm on the food cart located on the first floor. Please label their name on their lunch. -On the first floor there will be a temperature check point for anyone entering the building. -If you have not registered and/or paid for your child before Saturday, you must do so on Saturday on the first floor while the children are in class and sxodyny. -If you need to speak with the school principal on Saturday and she is not on the first floor for some reason, you are welcome to text her at: 917-837-8106. She will meet you. –CYM will be from 1:15-2pm. It will be short this first day only. Vidkrytia will be the following week. Please pick up your children on the 1st floor at 2pm. Also… -You and your child(ren) will have an opportunity to meet the Bandura Instructor, Zoya Shepko in person this Saturday on the first floor (between 10:45am-12:30pm). She can provide further information about weekly bandura classes. -We are going to plan a short parents’ committee meeting online early next week via Zoom, to minimize traffic in the building. We will introduce ourselves to those that are new to our school and CYM branch. You will also have a chance to learn about CYM NY by an Uprava member as well. Link to the meeting will come after Saturday. Everyone is welcome to attend. Any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Ulana Pryjmak, Holova of Batkivskyj Komitet. We can’t wait to see everyone!!!! До зустрічі! See you soon! |